
Please accurately fill out this form and click the register now button at the bottom of the page when done.

Please read the FAQ regarding registration.

  • We will confirm your registration via the method you choose below.
  • If you do not receive a response from us within three business days please contact us.
  • Please note that the admission fee is $5/student for full day. Teachers and chaperones are free.
  • This event is primarily for students in grade five but grade four and six students in split classes are welcome.
  • If you need to enter more than 5 classes, please submit an additional form.
  • If different classes from the same school need to go on different days, submit separate forms for each day.
  • Hold the cursor over an entry box and a pop-up help box will appear.
  • It is the school's responsibility to arrange and pay for transportation to and from Grown in Grey.

1. Please enter class and student numbers.
2. Now, choose your preferred date.

Also, please note that we will process registrations on a first come, first served basis.

3. Please enter needed information.
How do you want us to confirm your registration?
Do you have any questions? List below!

Access form secure code:
Please type GREYKEY in the box above.
